1-Ethyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Tetrafluoroborate [EMPyrr]BF4 CAS 117947-85-0 Suverens >98.0% (N)
Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of 1-Ethyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Tetrafluoroborate [EMPyrr]BF4 (CAS: 117947-85-0) with high quality, commercial production. Ruifu Chemical offers a wide range of lithium-ion battery materials such as electrolyte raw materials and cathode materials. Welcome to order. Please contact: alvin@ruifuchem.com
Gemyske namme | 1-Ethyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Tetrafluoroborate |
Synonimen | [EMPyrr]BF4;PYR12 BF4;PY12 BF4;N-ethyl-N-methylpyrrolidiniumtetrafluorboraat |
CAS nûmer | 117947-85-0 |
CAT nûmer | RF-PI1806 |
Stock Status | Op foarried, produksjeskaal oant tonnen |
Molekulêre formule | C7H16BF4N |
Molekuul gewicht | 201.02 |
Smeltpunt | 286 ℃ (dec.) |
Merk | It bedriuw Ruifu Chemical |
Ûnderdiel | Spesifikaasjes |
Ferskining | Wyt oant oranje oant grien poeder oant klomp |
Purity / Analyse metoade | >98.0% (mei totaal stikstof) |
Ynfraread spektrum | Konformt oan Struktuer |
Test Standert | Enterprise Standert |
Gebrûk | Batterij Additive |
Pakket: Fluorinated Bottle, 25kg / Drum, of neffens klant syn eask
Opslach betingst:Bewarje yn fersegele konteners op in koel en droech plak;Beskermje fan ljocht en focht

1-Ethyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Tetrafluoroborate [EMPyrr]BF4 (CAS: 117947-85-0), Metal Plating, Electropolishing, Metal Reprocessing, Fase oerdracht media, Batterijen Fuel Cells, Nanomaterialen, Yndustriële solvents, Nuclear Fuel Red Waste, Enzymatic , Lubricants Heat Transfer en Solar Energy Conversion.
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