Adenosine 5'-Monophosphate Dinatrium Salt Hexahydrate (5'-AMP-Na2; AMP.2Na) CAS 4578-31-8
De fabrikant leveret nukleotide-yntermediaten mei hege suverens en stabile kwaliteit
Citicoline CAS: 987-78-0
Cytidine 5'-monofosfaat, frije acid (5'-CMP) CAS: 63-37-6
Adenosine 5'-monofosfaat dinatrium sâlt hexahydrate (5'-AMP-Na2) CAS: 4578-31-8
Adenosine 5'-monofosfaat natrium sâlt CAS: 13474-03-8
Adenosine 5'-monofosfaat, frije acid (5'-AMP) CAS: 61-19-8
Uridine 5'-Monophosphate Dinatrium Salt Hydrate (5'-UMP 2Na Hydrate) CAS: 3387-36-8
Cytidine 5'-monofosfaat dinatrium sâlt (5'-CMP 2Na) CAS: 6757-06-8
Gemyske namme | Adenosine 5'-monofosfaat dinatrium sâlt hexahydrate |
Synonimen | 5'-AMP-Na2;AMP.2Na;5'-Adenylzuur dinatriumsalt |
CAS nûmer | 4578-31-8 |
CAT nûmer | RF-PI199 |
Stock Status | Op foarrie |
Molekulêre formule | C10H12N5Na2O7P |
Molekuul gewicht | 391.18 |
Merk | It bedriuw Ruifu Chemical |
Ûnderdiel | Spesifikaasjes |
Ferskining | Wyt of off-wyt poeder, smaakleas, reukloos |
A 250/260 | 0.82~0.88 |
A 280/260 | 0.19~0.23 |
Ferlies op Drying | ≤25,0% |
pH | 7.5~8.5 |
Transmittance (5% oplossing) | ≥95.0% |
Swiere metalen | ≤10 ppm |
Arseen (As) | ≤1,5 ppm |
Foarsprong. | ≤3.0ppm |
Purity | ≥95.0% (HPLC) |
Assay | ≥90,0% (UV) |
ATP | ≤0.50% |
ADP | ≤1,0% |
Oare nukleotiden | ≤0.50% |
Bakteriële Count | ≤300 cfu/g |
Test Standert | Enterprise Standert |
Gebrûk | Pharmaceutical Intermediates fan Nucleotide Drugs;Itenstafoegings |
Pakket: Fleske, aluminium folie tas, kartonnen trommel, 25kg / Drum, of neffens klant syn eask.
Opslach betingst:Bewarje yn fersegele konteners op in koel en droech plak;Beskermje fan ljocht, focht en pest besmetting.

Adenosine 5'-monofosfaat dinatrium sâlt (CAS 4578-31-8) is in tuskentiid foar it produsearjen fan nukleotide medisinen, fiedingsadditieven en biogemyske produkten.Adenosine 5'-monofosfaat dinatrium sâlt is nuttich foar hûdferjonging yn dermatology en estetyske dermatology.
Citicoline CAS 987-78-0 CDP-Choline Purity ≥99....
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