1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalene (THN) CAS 119-64-2 Purity > 98.5% (GC)
Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalene (THN) (CAS: 119-64-2) with high quality. We can provide COA, worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available. If you are interested in this product, please send detailed information includes CAS number, product name, quantity to us. Please contact: alvin@ruifuchem.com
Ainm Ceimigeach | 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalene |
Co-fhaclan | THN;Tetraline;Tetrahydronaphthalene |
Àireamh CAS | 119-64-2 |
Àireamh CAT | RF-PI2231 |
Inbhe Stoc | Ann an stoc, comas cinneasachaidh 1000MT / Bliadhna |
Foirmle Molecular | C10H12 |
Cuideam Molecular | 132.21 |
Rubha leaghaidh | -35 ℃ (lit.) |
Rubha Goil | 207 ℃ (lit.) |
Stòradh fo Inert Gas | Stòradh fo nitrogen |
Mothachail | Air Mothachadh.leaghan lasanta |
Solubility ann an uisge | Neo-sholabailte ann an uisge |
Solubility (measgaichte le) | Benzene, Ether, Acetone, Ethanol, Cloroform |
Solubility (soluble a-steach) | Methanol, Aniline |
Brand | Ceimigeach Ruifu |
Nì | Sònrachaidhean |
Coltas | Liquid soilleir gun dath |
Purity / Modh Mion-sgrùdadh | >98.5% (GC) |
Uisge (le Karl Fischer) | <0.10% |
Peroxide | ≤1 ppm |
Dath/Hazen (GB/T 605) | ≤20 |
Decahydronaphthalene (GC) | ≤1.00% |
Naphthalene (GC) | ≤0.50% |
Clàr-innse ath-tharraingeach n20/D | 1.5380~1.5430 |
Sònraichte grabhataidh (20/20 ℃) | 0.9670~0.9730 |
Spectrum fo-dhearg | A 'gèilleadh ris an Structar |
Spectrum Proton NMR | A 'gèilleadh ris an Structar |
Inbhe deuchainn | Inbhe Iomairt |
Pacaid: Botal fluorinated, 25kg / Drum, no a rèir riatanas luchd-ceannach
Suidheachadh stòraidh:Bùth ann an soithichean dùinte ann an àite fionnar is tioram;Dìon bho sholas is taiseachd

Tha 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalene (THN) (CAS: 119-64-2) na eadar-mheadhanach cudromach airson ullachadh naphthol, a dh'fhaodar a chleachdadh airson puinnseanan leithid naphthalene amine agus dichlorochlor a cho-chur.A 'dèanamh deuchainn air manganese.Neach-ionaid ìsleachaidh.Eadar-mheadhanach.Fuasgladh airson naphthalene, geir, resins, ola, cèir, air a chleachdadh an àite turpentine ann an lacquers, snas bhròg, cèir làr.Air a chleachdadh mar fhuasgladh agus reagent airson mion-sgrùdadh cromatagrafach.Air a chleachdadh mar eadar-mheadhanach airson synthesis organach, solvent.Pròifil Reactivity: Faodaidh 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalene freagairt gu làidir le riochdairean làidir oxidizing.Dh’ fhaodadh e dèiligeadh gu exothermically le riochdairean lughdachadh gus gas hydrogen a leigeil ma sgaoil.Oxidizes gu furasta ann an èadhar gus peroxides neo-sheasmhach a chruthachadh a dh’ fhaodadh spreadhadh gun spionnadh.Cunnart: Irritant to eyes and skin;narcotic ann an dùmhlachd àrd.Cunnart Slàinte: Faodaidh leaghan dragh nearbhach adhbhrachadh, dath uaine fual, agus irioslachd craiceann is sùla.
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