5-Chloro-2-Pentanone CAS 5891-21-4 Purity > 98.0% (GC) Factaraidh
Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of 5-Chloro-2-Pentanone (CAS: 5891-21-4) with high quality, commercial production. We can provide COA, worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available. Please contact: alvin@ruifuchem.com
Ainm Ceimigeach | 5-Chloro-2-Pentanone (air a dhèanamh seasmhach le K2CO3) |
Co-fhaclan | 3-Chloropropyl Methyl Ketone (Stèidhichte le K2CO3) |
Àireamh CAS | 5891-21-4 |
Àireamh CAT | RF-PI1927 |
Inbhe Stoc | Ann an stoc, ìre toraidh suas gu tonna |
Foirmle Molecular | C5H9ClO |
Cuideam Molecular | 120.58 |
Rubha Goil | 71.0 ~ 72.0 ℃ / 20 mmHg (lit.) |
Fuasgladh | Soluble ann an cloroform agus methanol |
Brand | Ceimigeach Ruifu |
Nì | Sònrachaidhean |
Coltas | Liath Dhubh Dhonn |
Purity / Modh Mion-sgrùdadh | >98.0% (GC) |
Susbaint Taiseachd (KF) | <0.30% |
Impurities iomlan | <2.00% |
Sònraichte grabhataidh (20/20 ℃) | 1.0510~1.0550 |
Clàr-innse Refractive | n20/D 1.4360~1.4400 |
Stabilizer (K2CO3) | A 'gèilleadh |
Spectrum fo-dhearg | A 'gèilleadh ris an Structar |
Inbhe deuchainn | Inbhe Iomairt |
Cleachdadh | Cungaidhean-leigheis eadar-mheadhanach |
Pacaid: Botal fluorinated, 25kg / Drum, no a rèir riatanas luchd-ceannach
Suidheachadh stòraidh:Bùth ann an soithichean dùinte ann an àite fionnar is tioram;Dìon bho sholas is taiseachd
Faodar 5-Chloro-2-Pentanone (Stèidhichte Le K2CO3) (CAS: 5891-21-4) a chleachdadh mar eadar-mheadhan cungaidh-leigheis ann an synthesis Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate (CAS: 747-36-4).Tha 5-Chloro-2-Pentanone air a chleachdadh airson eadar-mheadhanach Chloroquine Phosphate, leithid 5-Diethylamino-2-Pentanone, Cyclopropyl Methyl Ketone, Cyclopropyl Acetylene, làimhseachadh mòr-fhulangas, antibiotic, leithid Enrofloxacin, agus mar sin air adhart;luibh-bhiastagan le puinnseanta ìosal agus gun a bhith air fhàgail, leithid Cypromid agus Cyprazine.