6-O-Methylguanine CAS 20535-83-5 Nelzarabine Intermediate Factory

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Lub npe tshuaj: 6-O-Methylguanine

Synonyms: 2-Amino-6-Methoxypurine

CAS: 20535-83-5 Nr

Kev Ntsuas: ≥98.5% (HPLC)

Cov tsos mob: Off-White Crystalline Powder

Intermediate ntawm Nelzarabine (CAS: 121032-29-9) hauv kev kho T-ALL & T-LBL

High Quality, Commercial Production

E-Mail: alvin@ruifuchem.com

Product Detail

Yam khoom

Khoom cim npe

Nqe lus piav qhia:

Supply Nrog High Purity, Commercial Production
Lub npe tshuaj: 6-O-Methylguanine
CAS: 20535-83-5 Nr

Chemical Properties:

Tshuaj npe 6-O-Methylguanine
Synonyms 2-Amino-6-Methoxypurine
CAS Nr 20535-83-5
CAT Number Qauv TSIS MUAJ: RF-PI509
Tshuag xwm txheej Nyob rau hauv Tshuag, ntau lawm Scale mus txog Tons
Molecular Formula C6H7 N5 O
Molecular Luj 165.16 Nws
Melting Point ≥300 ℃ (lit.)
Hom Ruifu Tshuaj


Yam khoom Specifications
Qhov tshwm sim Off-White Crystalline Powder
Assay / Analysis Method ≥98.5% (HPLC)
Poob rau ziab ≤0.50%
Residue ntawm Ignition ≤0.50%
Tag nrho cov impurities ≤ 1.5%
Test Standard Enterprise Standard
Kev siv Intermediate of Nelzarabine (CAS: 121032-29-9), T-ALL & T-LBL

Pob & Cia:

Pob: Lub raj mis, Aluminium ntawv ci hnab, 25kg / Cardboard Nruas, los yog raws li tus neeg yuav tsum tau muaj.

Cia txias:Khaws rau hauv cov thawv ntim khoom ntawm qhov chaw txias thiab qhuav;Tiv thaiv los ntawm lub teeb thiab noo noo.

Qhov zoo:



Daim ntawv thov:

6-O-Methylguanine (CAS: 20535-83-5) tuaj yeem siv los ua qhov nruab nrab hauv kev sib txuas ntawm Nelzarabine (CAS: 121032-29-9).Nelarabine yog prodrug rau deoxyguanosine analogue-9-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl guanine (ara-G).Nelarabine demethylates hauv lub luag haujlwm ntawm adenosine deaminase (ADA) thiab hloov mus ua ara-G.Nelarabine tau ua tiav thawj zaug los ntawm GlaxoSmithKline.Thaum Lub Kaum Hli 28, 2005 raws li kev pom zoo los ntawm US Food and Drug Administration, nws tau los ua ib qho tshuaj tshiab los kho T-cell mob lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) thiab T-Cells lymphoblasticlymphoma (T-LBL) uas tiv taus tsawg kawg. ob hom kev siv tshuaj khomob los yog rov ua dua tomqab pib kho.Cov tshuaj tshiab no tau teev npe hauv Tebchaws Meskas hauv xyoo 2006.

Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb