Neopentyl Glycol (NPG) CAS 126-30-7 Purity ≥99.5% (GC)

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Lub npe tshuaj: Neopentyl Glycol

Synonyms: 2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-Propanediol;NPG

CAS: 126-30-7 Nr

Purity: ≥99.5% (GC)

Cov tsos mob: Dawb Powder Crystals

High Quality, Commercial Production


Product Detail

Yam khoom

Khoom cim npe

Nqe lus piav qhia:

Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Neopentyl Glycol (NPG) (CAS: 126-30-7) with high quality. We can provide COA, worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available. Please contact:

Chemical Properties:

Tshuaj npe Neopentyl Glycol
Synonyms 2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-Propanediol;2,2-Bis (hydroxymethyl) propane;2,2-Dihydroxy-2,2-Dimethylpropane;NPG
CAS Nr 126-30-7 : kuv
CAT Number Qauv TSIS MUAJ: RF-PI2212
Tshuag xwm txheej Hauv Tshuag, Muaj Peev Xwm Ntau Lawm 5000MT / Xyoo
Molecular Formula C5H12O2
Molecular Luj 104.15 Nws
Boiling Point 208 ℃
Qhov ntom 1.06 g / cm3 ntawm 20 ℃
rhiab heev Hygroscopic
Dej Solubility Soluble hauv dej
Solubility (zoo soluble hauv) Ether, Cawv
Hom Ruifu Tshuaj


Yam khoom Specifications
Qhov tshwm sim Dawb hmoov Crystals
Purity / Analysis Method ≥99.5% (GC)
Dej los ntawm Karl Fischer <0.30%
Xim <10 PHEEJ
Acidity ≤ 0.01 wt%
Aldehyde (raws li HOHPv) ≤ 0.05 wt%
Melting Point 124.0 ~ 130.0 ℃
Ib leeg Impurity <0.50%
Infrared Spectrum Raws li tus qauv
Proton NMR Spectrum Raws li tus qauv
Solubility hauv MeOH Yuav luag Transparency
Test Standard Enterprise Standard

Pob & Cia:

Pob: Fluorinated Fwj, 25kg / Cardboard Nruas, los yog raws li tus neeg yuav tsum tau muaj

Cia txias:Khaws rau hauv cov thawv ntim khoom ntawm qhov chaw txias thiab qhuav;Tiv thaiv los ntawm lub teeb thiab noo noo

Qhov zoo:



Daim ntawv thov:

Neopentyl Glycol (NPG) (CAS: 126-30-7) yog siv los tsim cov resins, plasticizers thiab qee cov surfactants.Neopentyl Glycol muaj ntau yam kev ua haujlwm, ntawm cov uas lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb yog tsim cov roj khov, alkyd resin, unsaturated polyester cob, hloov tau yooj yim ua npuas ncauj ntawm polyurethane, insulated cov ntaub ntawv, print inks, hluavtaws plasticizers, aviation lubricant agent thiab ib co surfactant agent, additives rau high-qib lubricants thiab lwm yam tshuaj zoo.Neopentyl Glycol yog cov kuab tshuaj zoo heev thiab tuaj yeem siv rau kev xaiv kev sib cais ntawm cov ntxhiab hydrocarbons thiab cycloalkyl hydrocarbons.Neopentyl Glycol muaj dej tsis kam, tshuaj tiv thaiv, thiab huab cua tsis kam.Nws cov amino ci kua roj vanish muaj zoo gloss tuav thiab tsis tig daj.Nws tseem tuaj yeem siv los ua cov khoom siv raw rau kev tsim cov polymerization inhibitors, stabilizers thiab tshuaj tua kab.Plasticizer.Organic Synthesis.Polyester hluavtaws raw khoom.Siv los ua cov kuab tshuaj zoo, kuj yog rau cov yas thiab tshuaj synthesis.NPG muaj qhov zoo hydrolytic tsis kam kuj muaj kev tiv thaiv rau ntau yam tshuaj thaum siv hauv cov xim pleev xim.Cov khoom siv rau tshuaj, tshuaj tua kab, tshuaj nplaum.Nws yog ib qho tshwj xeeb polyalcohol muab cov txiaj ntsig zoo tshaj plaws hauv ntau qhov kev siv kawg vim nws cov tshuaj lom neeg siab thiab thermal stability.Nws yog ib qho tshwj xeeb diol muab cov txiaj ntsig zoo tshaj plaws hauv ntau daim ntawv thov siv kawg.Cov txiaj ntsig zoo no tau muab los ntawm nws cov qauv tshuaj.Qhov chaw ntawm cov pab pawg hydroxyl ntawm thawj cov pa roj carbon atom tso cai rau esterification sai.Tsis tas li ntawd, ob pawg methyl, tsis yog ob qho tib si hydrogen atoms, ntawm alpha carbon atom yog lub luag haujlwm rau cov tshuaj lom neeg thiab thermal stability ntawm Neopentylglycol thiab nws cov derivatives.

Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb