Sodium Azide CAS 26628-22-8 Purity > 99.0% (T) Hoobkas

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Lub npe tshuaj: Sodium Azide

CAS: 26628-22-8 Nr

Purity:> 99.0% (T)

Cov tsos mob: Dawb crystalline hmoov

High Quality, Commercial Production

Hu rau: Dr. Alvin Huang

Txawb/Wechat/WhatsApp: +86-15026746401


Product Detail

Yam khoom

Khoom cim npe

Nqe lus piav qhia:

Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Sodium Azide (CAS: 26628-22-8) with high quality, commercial production. We can provide COA, worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available. Please contact:

Chemical Properties:

Tshuaj npe Sodium Azide
Synonyms Hydrazoic Acid Sodium ntsev
CAS Nr 26628-22-8
CAT Number RF-PI 2007
Tshuag xwm txheej Hauv Tshuag, Muaj Peev Xwm Ntau Lawm 800MT / Xyoo
Molecular Formula N3 Na
Molecular Luj 65.01 Nws
Qhov ntom 1.85 ib
Melting Point ~ 275 ℃ (txog.)
Dej Solubility Soluble hauv dej
Solubility Me ntsis soluble hauv Ethanol;Insoluble hauv Ether
Kev nyab xeeb-Hazardous Ib qho khoom txaus ntshai ntxiv tuaj yeem siv tau
Hom Ruifu Tshuaj


Yam khoom Specifications
Qhov tshwm sim Dawb Crystalline hmoov
Purity / Analysis Method > 99.5% (T)
Dej-Insoluble Matter <0.05%
Poob rau ziab <0.10%
Dawb Alkali <0.30%
Heavy Metals (raws li Pb) ≤10ppm
Chlorides, sulfates Nil
Grit Dawb Los ntawm Grit
Test Standard Enterprise Standard

Pob & Cia:

Pob:  25kg / Cardboard Nruas, lossis raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau

Cia txias:Khaws rau hauv cov thawv ntim khoom ntawm qhov chaw txias thiab qhuav;Tiv thaiv los ntawm lub teeb thiab noo noo

Qhov zoo:



Daim ntawv thov:

Sodium Azide (CAS: 26628-22-8) yog siv rau kev npaj ntawm lwm cov azide tebchaw.Sodium Azide yog siv nyob rau hauv ntau lub tsheb airbags, nws yog siv raws li ib tug propellant nyob rau hauv lub tsheb kev nyab xeeb hnab.Sodium Azide yog siv rau kev tsim khoom ntawm lwm cov hlau azides, raws li kev khaws cia rau hauv chav kuaj reagents, raws li kev tshuaj ntsuam reagent thiab hauv cov organic synthesis.Raws li ib tug preservative nyob rau hauv diagnostic medicinals.Sodium azide yog siv nyob rau hauv organic synthesis rau kev taw qhia ntawm ib pab pawg neeg azide los npaj ib tug xav compound.Nws ua raws li tus thawj coj los npaj cov azides tsis muaj zog xws li lead azide thiab nyiaj azide.Hauv biochemistry, nws muaj txiaj ntsig zoo li kev sojntsuam reagent thiab preservative.Nws kuj ua raws li tus neeg sawv cev nitridizing thiab cytochrome oxidase inhibitor.

Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb