Undecane CAS 1120-21-4 Purity > 99.5% (GC)

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Lub npe tshuaj: Undecane

Synonyms: n-Hendecane

CAS: 1120-21-4 Nr

Purity:> 99.5% (GC)

Cov tsos: Xim tsis muaj kua

High Quality, Commercial Production

E-Mail: alvin@ruifuchem.com

Product Detail

Yam khoom

Khoom cim npe

Nqe lus piav qhia:

Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Undecane (CAS: 1120-21-4) with high quality. We can provide COA, worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available. Please contact: alvin@ruifuchem.com

Chemical Properties:

Tshuaj npe Undecane
Synonyms n-Txoj kev;n-Hendecane
CAS Nr 1120-21-4 ib
CAT Number Qauv TSIS MUAJ: RF-PI2183
Tshuag xwm txheej Hauv Tshuag, Muaj Peev Xwm Ntau Lawm 1000MT / Xyoo
Molecular Formula C11H24
Molecular Luj 156.31 Nws
Melting Point -26 ℃ (lit.)
Boiling Point 196 ℃ (lit.)
Dej Solubility Immiscible
Hazard 3 Flammable Liquids
Hom Ruifu Tshuaj


Yam khoom Specifications
Qhov tshwm sim Xim tsis muaj kua
Purity / Analysis Method > 99.5% (GC)
Lub ntiajteb txawj nqus (20/20 ℃) 0.739-0.743 ib
Refractive Index n20/D 1.415-1.419 Nws
Arsenic (As) ≤ 3ppm
Cadmium (Cd) ≤1ppm
Lead (Pb) ≤10ppm
Mercury (Hg) ≤1ppm
Xim kuaj ≤100
Infrared Spectrum Raws li tus qauv
Test Standard Enterprise Standard

Pob & Cia:

Pob: Lub raj mis, 25kg / Nruas, 180kg / Nruas los yog raws li tus neeg yuav tsum tau muaj

Cia txias:Cia kom deb ntawm tshav kub, sparks, thiab nplaim taws.Khaws deb ntawm qhov chaw ntawm qhov hluav taws kub.Khaws rau hauv lub thawv kaw nruj nreem.Khaws rau hauv qhov chaw txias, qhuav, zoo-ventilated kom deb ntawm cov khoom tsis sib xws.

Qhov zoo:



Daim ntawv thov:

Undecane (CAS: 1120-21-4), petroleum research, organic synthesis, distillation chaser.Undecane feem ntau yog siv los ua tus qauv n-alkane hauv kev tshawb fawb txog viscosities, ntau cov molar enthalpies thiab vapor-kua sib npaug ntawm binary alkane sib tov.Insoluble hauv dej thiab tsawg dua li dej.Siv los ua lwm yam tshuaj.Kev Nyab Xeeb Kev Nyab Xeeb: Kev nqus los yog sib cuag nrog cov khoom yuav ua rau khaus lossis hlawv tawv nqaij thiab qhov muag.Hluav taws yuav ua rau khaus, corrosive thiab/los yog cov pa phem.Vapors tuaj yeem ua rau kiv taub hau lossis ua tsis taus pa.Cov dej ntws los ntawm kev tswj hluav taws kub lossis dej dilution tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kuab paug.Kev Nyab Xeeb Profile: Cov kua nplaum nplaum thaum raug tshav kub, sparks, nplaim taws, los yog oxidizers.To tua hluav taws, siv ua npuas ncauj, pos huab, qhuav tshuaj.Kev siv Undecane thiab daim ntawv thov suav nrog: Cov khoom siv roj av, dav hlau roj, roj av, cov kua luam theej, roj av.cov kuab tshuaj xws li dab dawb;kuab tshuaj;organic synthesis;roj av.tshawb fawb;distillation chaser.Nws kuj yog siv los ua tus qauv sab hauv hauv kev ntsuas roj chromatographic.Tsis tas li ntawd, nws yog siv los ua lubricants thiab lubricant additives.

Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb