4-Bromobiphenyl CAS 92-66-0 Kemurnian > 99,5% (HPLC) Pabrik Hot Selling
Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of 4-Bromobiphenyl (CAS: 92-66-0) with high quality, commercial production. We can provide COA, worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available. Please contact: alvin@ruifuchem.com
Jeneng Kimia | 4-Bromobiphenyl |
sinonim | p-Bromobiphenyl;4-Biphenyl Bromide;p-Biphenyl Bromide;(4-Bromophenyl)benzena |
Nomer CAS | 92-66-0 |
Nomer CAT | RF-PI2017 |
Status Simpenan | Ing Simpenan, Kapasitas Produksi 500MT / Taun |
Formula Molekul | C12H9Br |
Bobot Molekul | 233.11 |
Kapadhetan | 0,9327 g/cm3 |
Titik didih | 310 ℃ |
Kelarutan | Larut ing Metanol;Ora larut ing banyu |
Merk | Kimia Ruifu |
Item | Spesifikasi |
Penampilan | Bubuk Kristal Putih |
Kemurnian / Metode Analisis | > 99,5% (HPLC) |
Titik Lebur | 90,5 ~ 92,5 ℃ |
Kandungan Air (KF) | <0,15% |
Related Impurities | |
Biphenyl | <0,50% (CAS: 92-52-4) |
2-Bromobiphenyl | <0,20% (CAS: 2052-07-5) |
2,4'-Dibromobiphenyl | <0,20% (CAS: 49602-91-7) |
4,4'-Dibromobiphenyl | <0,50% (CAS: 92-86-4) |
Impurity Tunggal liyane | <0,20% |
Total Impurities | <0,50% |
Spektrum Infrared | Conforms kanggo Struktur |
Proton NMR Spectrum | Conforms kanggo Struktur |
Kelarutan ing Hot MeOH | Meh Transparansi |
Test Standar | Standar Perusahaan |
Panggunaan | Penengah Farmasi;Cairan Crystal Intermediates |
Paket: Botol, tas Aluminium foil, 25kg / Karton Drum, utawa miturut kabutuhan pelanggan
Kondisi panyimpenan:Simpen ing wadhah sing disegel ing papan sing adhem lan garing;Nglindhungi saka cahya lan Kelembapan

4-Bromobiphenyl (CAS: 92-66-0) bisa digunakake minangka intermediet sintesis organik.Digunakake kanggo bahan kristal cair lan intermediet.Iki minangka perantara saka rodenticides bromotrin lan bromodiron.4-Bromobiphenyldigunakake minangka hidrokarbon halogenated.Iki uga digunakake ing sintesis 4-Bip henylthiolate.4-Bromobiphenyldigunakake minangka reagen ing sintesis turunan spirooxindole kanggo digunakake minangka aktivator AM PK.4-Bromobiphenyl uga digunakake minangka reagen ing nyiapake turunan indenoindole minangka bahan piranti electroluminescent organik.4-Bromobiphenyl bisa uga sensitif marang cahya.4-Bromobiphenyl bisa bereaksi karo bahan oksidasi.4-Bromobiphenyl nduweni aplikasi sing akeh.
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