4-Methoxythiophenol CAS 696-63-9 Kuchena > 98.0% (GC)
Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of 4-Methoxythiophenol (CAS: 696-63-9) with high quality. We can provide COA, worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available. If you are interested in this product, please send detailed information includes CAS number, product name, quantity to us. Please contact: alvin@ruifuchem.com
Chemical Name | 4-Methoxythiophenol |
Mashoko anoreva zvakafanana | 4-Methoxybenzenethiol;4-Mercaptoanisole;p-Methoxybenzenethiol;p-Methoxythiophenol;4-Methoxy-Benzenethiol;para-Methoxybenzenethiol;4-Methoxybenzene-1-Thiol |
Nhamba yeCAS | 696-63-9 |
Nhamba yeCAT | RF2650 |
Stock Status | MuStock, Kugadzirwa Kunokwira Kusvika Matani |
Molecular Formula | C7H8OS |
Molecular Weight | 140.20 |
Boiling Point | 100.0~103.0℃/13 mmHg (lit.) |
Sensitive | Air Sensitive |
Solubility mumvura | Kwete Kusanganiswa kana Kunetsa Kusanganisa Mumvura |
Hazard Note | Zvinokuvadza / Zvinogumbura / Zvinonhuwa |
Brand | Ruifu Chemical |
Item | Zvinotsanangurwa |
Chitarisiko | Isina Ruvara kune Chiedza Yellow Liquid |
Kuchena / Analysis Method | >98.0% (GC) |
Chaiyo Gravity (20/20 ℃) | 1.140~1.144 |
Refractive Index n20/D | 1.582~1.585 |
1 H NMR Spectrum | Zvinoenderana Nechimiro |
Infrared Spectrum | Inopindirana neChimiro |
Test Standard | Enterprise Standard |
Package: Fluorinated Bhodhoro, 25kg/Barrel, kana zvinoenderana nezvinodiwa nemutengi
Storage Condition:Chengetedza mumidziyo yakavharwa panzvimbo inotonhorera uye yakaoma;Dzivirira kubva kuchiedza uye unyoro
Kutenga sei?Please contact: sales@ruifuchem.com or alvin@ruifuchem.com
Makore 15 Oupenyu?Tine makore anopfuura 15 ane ruzivo mukugadzira uye kutumira kunze kwemhando dzakasiyana-siyana dzepamusoro dzemishonga yepakati kana makemikari akanaka.
Main Markets?Tengesa kumusika wepamba, North America, Europe, India, Russia, Korea, Japan, Australia, nezvimwe.
Zvakanakira?Hunhu hwepamusoro, mutengo unokwanisika, masevhisi ehunyanzvi uye rutsigiro rwehunyanzvi, kuendesa nekukurumidza.
HunhuSimbiso?Strict quality control system.Midziyo yehunyanzvi yekuongorora inosanganisira NMR, LC-MS, GC, HPLC, ICP-MS, UV, IR, OR, KF, ROI, LOD, MP, Clarity, Solubility, Microbial limit test, nezvimwe.
Samples?Zvigadzirwa zvakawanda zvinopa mahara emahara ekuongorora kwemhando, mutengo wekutumira unofanirwa kubhadharwa nevatengi.
Factory Audit?Factory audit inogamuchirwa.Ndapota itai nguva isati yasvika.
MOQ?Hapana MOQ.Kurongeka kudiki kunogamuchirwa.
Delivery Nguva? Kana mukati me stock, mazuva matatu kutumirwa anovimbiswa.
Transportation?Ne Express (FedEx, DHL), neMhepo, neGungwa.
Zvinyorwa?Mushure mekutengesa sevhisi: COA, MOA, ROS, MSDS, nezvimwe zvinogona kupihwa.
Custom Synthesis?Inogona kupa echinyakare synthesis masevhisi kuti aenderane nezvinodiwa zvako zvekutsvagisa.
Payment Terms?Proforma invoice inozotumirwa kutanga mushure mekusimbisa kurongeka, yakavharirwa ruzivo rwedu rwebhangi.Kubhadhara neT/T (Telex Transfer), PayPal, Western Union, nezvimwe.
4-Methoxythiophenol (CAS: 696-63-9) ndeye thiol inonhuhwirira.Inonhuhwirira thiophenol imhando yeorganic sulfur musanganiswa ine kukosha kwekushandisa.Inoshandiswa zvakanyanya mukurapa, mushonga wezvipembenene, dhayi uye mamwe maindasitiri, uye inogona zvakare kushandiswa mukugadzirwa kwethrombin inhibitor, fungicide, dermatitis drug, herbicide, corrosion inhibitor uye photosensitive zvinhu.
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