5-Hydroxy-2-Adamantanone CAS 20098-14-0 Kuchena >99.0% (GC)

Tsanangudzo Pfupi

Kemikari Zita: 5-Hydroxy-2-Adamantanone

Anoreva zvakafanana: Idramantone;5-Hydroxyadamantan-2-imwe

CAS: 20098-14-0

Kuchena: > 99.0% (GC)

Chitarisiko: Ichena kusvika Kure-Ichena Crystalline Powder

E-Mail: alvin@ruifuchem.com

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Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of 5-Hydroxy-2-Adamantanone (CAS: 20098-14-0) with high quality. We can provide COA, worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available. If you are interested in this product, please send detailed information includes CAS number, product name, quantity to us. Please contact: alvin@ruifuchem.com

Chemical Properties:

Chemical Name 5-Hydroxy-2-Adamantanone
Mashoko anoreva zvakafanana Idramatone;5-Hydroxyadamantan-2-imwe;5-Hydroxytricyclo[,7] decane-2-one
Nhamba yeCAS 20098-14-0
Nhamba yeCAT RF-PI2294
Stock Status MuStock, Kukwanisa Kugadzira 35 MT/Mwedzi
Molecular Formula C10H14O2
Molecular Weight 166.22
Melting Point ≥300℃
Kunhuwa NeCamphor Odor
Solubility DMSO, Methanol
Brand Ruifu Chemical


Item Zvinotsanangurwa
Chitarisiko Ichena kusvika kuOff-White Crystalline Powder
Kuchena / Analysis Method >99.0% (GC)
Zvose Zvisina Kuchena <1.00%
Infrared Spectrum Inopindirana neChimiro
NMR Spectrum Inopindirana neChimiro
Test Standard Enterprise Standard
Usage Pharmaceutical Intermediates;Specialty Materials Intermediates

Package & Kuchengeta:

Package: Bhodhoro, Aluminium foil bag, 25kg/Cardboard Drum, kana zvinoenderana nezvinodiwa nemutengi.

Storage Condition:Chengetedza mumidziyo yakavharwa panzvimbo inotonhorera uye yakaoma;Dzivirira kubva kuchiedza uye unyoro





5-Hydroxy-2-Adamantanone (CAS: 20098-14-0) inoshandiswa kugadzira mishonga yepakati, uye yakakosha zvinhu zvepakati.5-Hydroxy-2-Adamantanone inotorwa kubva kune adamantane.Iyo biocatalyzed synthesis ye5-Hydroxy-2-Adamantanone kubva ku2-Adamantanone yakaongororwa.5-Hydroxy-2-Adamantanone inogona kushandiswa mune zvidzidzo zvinotevera: · Sechienzaniso chemuenzaniso chekuongorora kushandiswa kwe lanthanide NMR shift reagents yekuongorora kwe disubstituted derivative yeadamantane.· Sechinhu chekutanga chekugadzirwa kweE-2-Amino-5-Hydroxyadamantane.· Sechinhu chekutanga chekugadzirwa kwe4-(Triphenylsilyloxy)adamantan-1-ol.

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