Iodotrimethylsilane CAS 16029-98-4 Kuchena > 99.0% (Argentmetric Titration) Factory

Tsanangudzo Pfupi

Zita: Iodotrimethylsilane, yakagadzikana neMhangura

Synonyms: Trimethyliodosilane;Trimethylsilyl iodide

CAS: 16029-98-4

Kuchena:> 99.0% (Argentmetric Titration)

Chitarisiko: Chisina Ruvara kune Off-Red Liquid


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Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Iodotrimethylsilane (CAS: 16029-98-4) with high quality. We can provide COA, worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available. Please contact:

Chemical Properties:

Chemical Name Iodotrimethylsilane, yakagadzikana neCopper
Mashoko anoreva zvakafanana TMIS;TMS Iodide;Trimethyliodosilane;Trimethylsilyl iodide
Nhamba yeCAS 16029-98-4
Nhamba yeCAT RF-PI2129
Stock Status MuStock, Kugadzirwa Kunokwira Kusvika Matani
Molecular Formula C3H9ISI
Molecular Weight 200.09
Melting Point <0℃
Boiling Point 106 ℃
Chaiyo Gravity (20/20 ℃) 1.46 g/mL
Sensitive Chiedza Chinonzwa, Kunyorova
Mvura Solubility Reacts
Hydrolytic Sensitivity 8: Inoita Nekukurumidza neMunyoro, Mvura, Protic Solvents
Brand Ruifu Chemical


Item Zvinotsanangurwa
Chitarisiko Isina Ruvara kune Off-Red Liquid
Kuchena / Analysis Method > 99.0% (Argentmetric Titration)
Refractive Index n20/D 1.47~1.48
Stabilizer (Copper Chip) Conforms
Infrared Spectrum Inopindirana neChimiro
Proton NMR Spectrum Inopindirana neChimiro
Test Standard Enterprise Standard

Package & Kuchengeta:

Package: Fluorinated Bhodhoro, 25kg / Drum, kana zvinoenderana nezvinodiwa nemutengi

Storage Condition:Chengetedza mumidziyo yakavharwa panzvimbo inotonhorera uye yakaoma;Dzivirira kubva kuchiedza uye unyoro





Iodotrimethylsilane (CAS: 16029-98-4) ine yakaoma acid (Me3Si) -soft base (I) bond inoratidza yakasimba oxygenophilicity kune ethers, esters, lactones, acetals, uye mamwe mamorekuru anosanganisira atomu yeokisijeni seboka rinoshanda.Kushandiswa kweiodotrimethylsilane semumiririri kwakaunza nyore nyore kutsemuka kwetert-butyl ester, ichipa inoenderana carboxylic acid mugoho rakanaka.Iodotrimethylsilane inoshandiswa kuunza trimethylsilyl boka mune organic synthesis.Inobatsirawo pakuongorora gasi chromatography nekushandura doro kuita silyl ether derivative, zvichibva zvaita kuti iwedzere kushanduka kupfuura iyo yekutanga molecule.Iodotrimethylsilane ireagent inoshanda ye ether, ester, carbamate, ketal, uye lactone cleavage.Kusuma boka reTMS, semuenzaniso, TMS enol ethers.Key reagent yekusarudzika yekudzivirira kweboka reN-Cbz pamberi peiyo trimethyltin moiety.Reagent ichangobva kushumwa kushandura allyl- uye benzylphosphotriesters kune iodides inoenderana.Iodotrimethylsilane inogara ichivharira mumiriri mukugadzira mishonga, inoshandiswa zvakanyanya mukugadzirwa kwemishonga.Inogona kuchengetedza kana kudzivirira mapoka anoshanda zvakasarudzwa, kuita se silane inovharira mumiririri.Iodotrimethylsilane is a multipurpose reagent inoshandiswa mune akasiyana organic reactions.Inoshandiswa pakuita dealkylation yemakomponi mashoma senge lactones, ethers, acetals, uye carbamates uye trimethylsilylating agent ye synthesis ye silyl imino esters, alkyl uye alkenyl silanes, etc. Inoshandawo se Lewis acid catalyst uye sechinhu chinoderedza akawanda organic reactions.Iodotrimethylsilane inogona kushandiswa seyakasiyana-siyana reagent kune yakapfava dealkylation ye ethers, carboxylic esters, lactones, carbamates, acetals, phosphonate uye phosphate esters;cleavage epoxides, cyclopropyl ketones;kutendeuka kwevinyl phosphates kune vinyl iodides;neutral nucleophilic reagent ye halogen exchange reactions, carbonyl uye conjugate kuwedzera maitiro;shandisa se trimethylsilylating agent yekugadzira enol ethers, silyl imino esters, uye N-silylenamines, alkyl, alkenyl uye alkynyl silanes;Lewis acid catalyst for acetal formation, α- alkoxymethylation yeketoni, nokuda kwekuita kweacetals ne silyl enol ethers uye allylsilanes;kuderedza mumiririri we epoxides, enediones, α-ketols, sulfoxides, uye sulfonyl halides;dehydrating agent ye oximes.

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