Methyl Acrylate (MA) CAS 96-33-3 Kuchena > 99.5% (GC) Factory Hot Selling
Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Methyl Acrylate (MA) (stabilized with MEHQ) (CAS: 96-33-3) with high quality, commercial production. We can provide COA, worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available. Please contact:
Chemical Name | Methyl Acrylate (yakagadzikana neMEHQ) |
Mashoko anoreva zvakafanana | MA;Acrylic Acid Methyl Ester (yakagadzikana neMEHQ) |
Nhamba yeCAS | 96-33-3 |
Nhamba yeCAT | RF-PI2003 |
Stock Status | MuStock, Kukwanisa Kugadzira 800mt/Gore |
Molecular Formula | C4H6O2 |
Molecular Weight | 86.09 |
Melting Point | -75 ℃ |
Boiling Point | 80 ℃ |
Flash Point | -1℃ |
Mvura Solubility | Soluble mumvura |
Solubility | Soluble muAcetone, Ether, Benzene, Doro |
Brand | Ruifu Chemical |
Item | Zvinotsanangurwa |
Chitarisiko | Colorless Transparent Liquid |
Kuchena / Analysis Method | >99.5% (GC) |
Refractive Index | n20/D 1.401~1.404 |
Density (20 ℃) | 0.956~0.958 |
Kusachena Kumwechete | <0.50% |
Zvose Zvisina Kuchena | <0.50% |
Stabilizer | ≤100 ppm MEHQ Inopindirana |
Infrared Spectrum | Inopindirana neChimiro |
Proton NMR Spectrum | Inopindirana neChimiro |
Test Standard | Enterprise Standard |
Usage | Monomers;Acrylic Monomers |
Package: Fluorinated Bhodhoro, 25kg/Drum, 200kg/Drum kana zvinoenderana nezvinodiwa nemutengi
Storage Condition:Chengetedza mumidziyo yakavharwa panzvimbo inotonhorera uye yakaoma;Dzivirira kubva kuchiedza uye unyoro

Methyl Acrylate (MA) (yakagadzikana neMEHQ) (CAS: 96-33-3) inhengo yehupenyu ine fomu CH2CHCO2CH3.Ndiyo methyl ester ye acrylic acid.Imvura isina ruvara ine hunhu hweakiridhi hwema.Inonyanya kugadzirwa kugadzira acrylate fiber, iyo inoshandiswa kuruka makapeti ekugadzira.Iyo zvakare reagent mune synthesis yeakasiyana emishonga yepakati.Inonyungudika mumvura uye inosanganiswa zvachose neakawanda organic solvents.Methyl Acrylate ine akasiyana maindasitiri ekushandisa.iyo inonyanya kukosha kushandiswa kwekutengeserana kwemethyl acrylate inosanganisira kugadzirira kwe thermoplastic coatings, inoshandiswa mukugadzirwa kwe acrylic uye modacrylic fibers.Mukushandiswa kwefiber, methyl acrylate inoshandiswa secomonomer ine acrylonitrile.Mamwe mashandisirwo emethyl acrylate anosanganisira machira, anonamira, machira ekumashure, elastomers, mapurasitiki, uye inowanikwawo mune ionic exchange resins, barrier film resins, antioxidant intermediates uye acrylic fibers.Methyl Acrylate ndeye monomer inoshandiswa mukugadzira mafirimu epurasitiki, machira, mapepa emapepa, uye mamwe acrylate ester resins.Inoshandiswawo mune amphoteric surfactants.Inobatsira mukugadzirira kwemapolymers ane yakasimba, inoshanduka, ionic, nonionic, hydrophobic, kana hydrophilic properties.
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