Triallyl Phosphate (TAP) CAS 1623-19-4 Kuchena > 96.0% (GC) Lithium Battery Electrolyte Additive

Tsanangudzo Pfupi

Kemikari Zita: Triallyl Phosphate (TAP)

CAS: 1623-19-4

Kuchena: >96.0% (GC)

Lithium Battery Electrolyte Additive


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Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Triallyl Phosphate (TAP) (CAS: 1623-19-4) with high quality, commercial production. Ruifu Chemical offers a wide range of lithium-ion battery materials such as electrolyte raw materials and cathode materials. We can provide Certificate of Analysis (COA), worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available, strong after-sale service. Welcome to order. Please contact:

Chemical Properties:

Chemical Name Triallyl Phosphate
Mashoko anoreva zvakafanana TAP;Phosphoric Acid Triallyl Ester
Nhamba yeCAS 1623-19-4
Nhamba yeCAT RF-PI1798
Stock Status MuStock, Kugadzirwa Kunokwira Kusvika Matani
Molecular Formula C9H15O4P
Molecular Weight 218.19
Boiling Point 113 ℃/4 mmHg
Solubility mumvura Inoita Insoluble muMvura
Brand Ruifu Chemical


Item Zvinotsanangurwa
Chitarisiko Isina Ruvara kusvika kuChiedza Yero kune Chiedza Orange Yakajeka Liquid
Kuchena / Analysis Method >96.0% (GC)
Infrared Spectrum Inopindirana neChimiro
Refractive Index n20/D 1.447~1.450
Chaicho Chainoita Girevhiti (20/20) 1.080~1.084
Arsenic (As) <3mg/Kg
Heavy Metals (as Pb) <20mg/Kg
Test Standard Enterprise Standard
Usage Lithium Battery Electrolyte Additive

Package & Kuchengeta:

Package:Fluorinated Bhodhoro, 25kg / Drum, kana zvinoenderana nezvinodiwa nemutengi

Storage Condition:Chengetedza mumidziyo yakavharwa panzvimbo inotonhorera uye yakaoma;Dzivirira kubva kuchiedza uye unyoro





Triallyl Phosphate (TAP) (CAS: 1623-19-4) inogona kushandiswa sechinhu che electrolytic chinogona kushandiswa mukugadzirwa kwe lithium-ion mabhatiri.

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