[Ir(cod)Cl]2 CAS 12112-67-3 Chloro(1,5-Cyclooctadiene)iridium(I) Dimer Purity ≥98.0% (HPLC) Ir ≥57.0%

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Chloro(1,5-Cyclooctadiene)iridium(I) Dimer

Mantsoe a tšoanang: [Ir(cod)Cl]2

Bis(1,5-Cyclooctadiene)diiridium(I) Dichloride

CAS: 12112-67-3

Bohloeki: ≥98.0% (Argentometric Titration)

Litaba tsa Iridium (Ir): ≥57.0%

Ponahalo: Bofubelu ho ea ho Orange Powder

Ikopanye le: Dr. Alvin Huang

Mobile/Wechat/WhatsApp: +86-15026746401

E-Mail: alvin@ruifuchem.com

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Lihlahisoa tse Amanang

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


Ruifu Chemical ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa Chloro (1,5-Cyclooctadiene)iridium(I) Dimer ([Ir(cod)Cl]2) (CAS: 12112-67-3) e nang le boleng bo phahameng.Ruifu Chemical e ka fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa lefats'e ka bophara, theko ea tlholisano, litšebeletso tse ntle haholo, tse nyane le tse ngata tse fumanehang.Theka [Ir(cod)Cl]2,Please contact: alvin@ruifuchem.com

Lintho tsa Lik'hemik'hale:

Lebitso la Lik'hemik'hale Chloro(1,5-Cyclooctadiene)iridium(I) Dimer
Litlhaloso tse tšoanang [Ir(cod)Cl]2;[Ir(1,5-cod)Cl]2;Bis(1,5-Cyclooctadiene)diiridium(I) Dichloride;1,5-Cyclooctadiene-iridium(I) Chloride Dimer;Di-μ-Chlorobis[(1,2,5,6-η)-1,5-Cyclooctadiene]diiridium;Iridium(I) Chloride 1,5-Cyclooctadiene Complex Dimer
Boemo ba Setoko Ka Stock, Tlhahiso ea Khoebo
Nomoro ea CAS 12112-67-3
Foromo ea limolek'hule C16H24Cl2Ir2
Boima ba Molek'hule 671.70 g/mol
Melting Point 205℃(Dec.)(lit.)
E hloahloa Ha e Mamelle Moeeng, Ha e Mamele Mocheso, Ha e na Mongobo
Ho qhibiliha ha Metsi Ha e qhibilihe ka Metsing
Solubility E qhibiliha ka Chloroform le Toluene.E qhibiliha hanyenyane ka Acetone le Joala
Hydrolytic Sensitivity 7: E arabela butle ka Mongobo/Metsi
COA & MSDS E fumaneha
Tšimoloho Shanghai, China
Sehlopha Metal Catalysts
Brand Ruifu Chemical


Lintho Maemo a Tlhahlobo Liphetho
Ponahalo E khubelu ho ea ho Orange Powder E lumellana
Metsi ka Karl Fischer <0.50% 0.85%
Mokhoa oa Bohloeki / Analysis ≥98.0% (Argentometric Titration) 98.53%
Litaba tsa Iridium (Ir) ≥57.0% 57.2%
ICP E tiisa Karolo ea Iridium E tiisitsoe
Proton NMR Spectrum E Ikamahanya le Sebopeho E lumellana
Qetello Sehlahisoa se lekoa 'me se lumellana le litlhaloso tse fanoeng

Sephutheloana/Bobolokelo/Ho tsamaisa ka sekepe:

Sephutheloana: Botlolo ea Khalase, Botlolo e Fluorinated, mokotla oa Aluminium foil, kapa ho latela tlhoko ea moreki.
Polokelo:Boloka setshelo se kwetswe ka thata mme o se boloke sebakeng se phodileng, se omeletseng (2~8℃) le se nang le moya o hlwekileng hole le dintho tse sa dumellaneng.Sireletsa moeeng, mocheso le mongobo.Ha e lumellane le lisebelisoa tse matla tsa oxidizing.
Ho tsamaisa ka sekepe:Tsamaisa lefatšeng ka bophara ka sefofane, ka FedEx / DHL Express.Fana ka thomello e potlakileng le e tšepahalang.


Bokhoni bo lekaneng: Lisebelisoa le litsebi tse lekaneng

Tšebeletso ea profeshenale: Tšebeletso e le 'ngoe ea ho reka

Sephutheloana sa OEM: Sephutheloana sa tloaelo le leibole lia fumaneha

Tlhahiso e potlakileng: Haeba e le ka har'a setoko, ho netefalitsoe hore ho tsamaisoa matsatsi a mararo

Thepa e tsitsitseng: Boloka thepa e lekaneng

Tšehetso ea Theknoloji: Tharollo ea theknoloji e teng

Tšebeletso e Tloaelehileng ea ho Kopanya: Ho tloha ho ligrama ho isa ho lik'hilograma

Boleng bo Phahameng: Ho thehile tsamaiso e felletseng ea netefatso ea boleng


Mokhoa oa ho Reka?Ka kopo ikopanyeDr. Alvin Huang: sales@ruifuchem.com or alvin@ruifuchem.com 
Phihlelo ea Lilemo Tse 15?Re na le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse fetang 15 ho etsa le ho romella kantle ho naha mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea li-intermediate tsa boleng bo holimo tsa meriana kapa lik'hemik'hale tse ntle.
Limmaraka tse ka Sehloohong?Rekisetsa 'maraka oa lapeng, Amerika Leboea, Europe, India, Korea, Japane, Australia, joalo-joalo.
Melemo?Boleng bo phahameng, theko e theko e tlaase, lits'ebeletso tsa litsebi le ts'ehetso ea tekheniki, phano e potlakileng.
BolengTiisetso?Tsamaiso e thata ea taolo ea boleng.Lisebelisoa tsa profeshenale bakeng sa tlhahlobo li kenyelletsa NMR, LC-MS, GC, HPLC, ICP-MS, UV, IR, OR, KF, ROI, LOD, MP, Clarity, Solubility, Microbial limit test, joalo-joalo.
Mehlala?Lihlahisoa tse ngata li fana ka mehlala ea mahala bakeng sa tlhahlobo ea boleng, litšenyehelo tsa ho tsamaisa thepa li lokela ho lefshoa ke bareki.
Feme Audit?Ho amoheloa ha fektheri.Ke kopa o etse kopano esale pele.
MOQ?Ha ho MOQ.Taelo e nyenyane e amoheleha.
Nako ea thomello? Haeba ka har'a setoko, ho netefalitsoe hore ho tsamaisoa ka matsatsi a mararo.
Lipalangoang?Ka Express (FedEx, DHL), ka Moea, ka Leoatle.
Litokomane?Ka mor'a tšebeletso ea thekiso: COA, MOA, ROS, MSDS, joalo-joalo e ka fanoa.
Custom Synthesis?E ka fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa tloaelo tsa ho kopanya ho lekana hantle litlhoko tsa hau tsa lipatlisiso.
Litefiso Melao?Invoice ea Proforma e tla romelloa pele kamora netefatso ea odara, e kenyellelitseng tlhahisoleseling ea rona ea banka.Tefo ka T/T (Telex Transfer), PayPal, Western Union, joalo-joalo.

12112-67-3 - Kotsi le Tšireletseho:

Matshwao a Kotsi Xi - E tenang
Likhoutu tsa Kotsi
36/37/38 - Ho halefisa mahlo, tsamaiso ea ho hema le letlalo.
Tlhaloso ea Tšireletseho
S26 - Ha u kopana le mahlo, hlatsoa hang-hang ka metsi a mangata 'me u batle keletso ea bongaka.
S37/39 - Apara liatlana tse loketseng le tšireletso ea mahlo / sefahleho
WGK Jeremane 3
Nomoro ea TSCA
HS Code 2843 9000.99

12112-67-3 - Lisebelisoa:

Chloro(1,5-Cyclooctadiene)iridium(I) Dimer ([Ir(cod)Cl]2) (CAS: 12112-67-3) e sebelisoa haholo e le selelekela sa li-complexes tse ling tsa iridium, tse fumanang ts'ebeliso ho catalysis e tšoanang. carbonylation, hydrosilylation, hydrofomylation, asymmetric allylic substitutes, metathesis le chiral catalysis reactions.E ameha ho lokiseng li-catalyst tsa Crabtree, tse sebelisetsoang hydrogenation le hydrogen-transfer reactions.

Chloro(1,5-Cyclooctadiene)iridium(I) Dimer ke organic precious metal catalyst, e sebelisoang bakeng sa asymmetric hydrogenation reaction of non-functionalized outer ringtone double carbon bonds catalyzed by iridium.

12112-67-3 - Likarabo:

E ka sebelisoa ho susumetsa karabelo ea hydrosilylation le hydrogenation
Selelekela sa Photocatalyst Synthesis
Selelekela sa tšepe bakeng sa li-asymmetric allylic substitutes
Li-pre-catalysts tsa asymmetry le cross-coupling catalysis reactions
Synthesis ea tšepe ea bohlokoa ea iridium catalyst precursor
CH Bond Activation Reaction
Transition Metal Catalysts
Li-Precursors tsa N-Heterocyclic Carbene (NHC) tse lokiselitsoeng habonolo
Selelekela sa li-catalysts bakeng sa asymmetric hydrogenation ea tri- and tetrasubstituted olefin.
Selelekela sa ho thusa bakeng sa phokotso ea enantioselective ea imines.
Selelekela sa ho hlohlelletsa alkylation.
Selelekela sa ho hlohlelletsa allylic amination le etherification.
Selelekela sa ho thusa karabelo ea chloride ea aroyl ka li-alkyne tse ka hare ho hlahisa li-naphthalenes le li-anthracenes tse nkeloang sebaka.
Keketso ea ir-catalyzed ea acid chloride ho terminal alkynes.
Intramolecular hydroamination ea alkene e sa sebetseng e nang le alkyl- le arylamine ea bobeli.
Enantioselective [2+2] cycloaddition.
Silyl-directed, Ir-catalyzed ortho-borylation ea arenes.
Ir-catalyzed cross-coupling ea styrene derivatives le allylic carbonates.
Fetisetsa hydrogenative CC coupling

Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona