2-Chlorothiophenol CAS 6320-03-2 Purity > 99,0% (GC) Pabrik
Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of 2-Chlorothiophenol (CAS: 6320-03-2) with high quality. We can provide COA, worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available. If you are interested in this product, please send detailed information includes CAS number, product name, quantity to us. Please contact: alvin@ruifuchem.com
Ngaran Kimia | 2-Klorotiofénol |
sinonim | 2-Klorobénzénétiol;1-Chloro-2-Mercaptobenzene;o-Chloro Thiophenol;o-Clorothiophenol;o-Klorobénzénétiol |
Nomer CAS | 6320-03-2 |
Nomer CAT | RF2644 |
Status saham | Dina Stok, Kapasitas Produksi 30 Ton per Bulan |
Formula Molekul | C6H5ClS |
Beurat Molekul | 144.62 |
Titik didih | 205,0 ~ 206,0 ℃ / 260 mm Hg (lit.) |
Titik kaingetan | 88 ℃ (190 ° F) |
Kapadetan | 1,275 g/mL dina 25 ℃ (lit.) |
Sensitip | Sensitip hawa |
Catetan Hazard | Corrosive / Lachrymatory / Bau |
Grup bungkusan | III |
merek | Kimia Ruifu |
Barang | spésifikasi |
Penampilan | Teu warnaan kana Cairan Hapus Konéng Lampu |
Purity / Métode Analisis | > 99,0% (GC) |
Indéks réfraktif n20/D | 1.602~1.605 |
Total Kotoran | <1,00% |
Spéktrum Infrabeureum | Conforms kana Struktur |
Proton NMR Spéktrum | Conforms kana Struktur |
Standar tés | Standar Perusahaan |
Pamakéan | Panganteur Farmasi |
Bungkusan: Botol Fluorinated, 25kg / Laras, atawa nurutkeun sarat customer urang
Kaayaan Panyimpenan:Simpen dina wadah anu disegel dina tempat anu tiis sareng garing;Ngajaga tina cahaya sareng Uap
Kumaha Meuli?Please contact: sales@ruifuchem.com or alvin@ruifuchem.com
Pangalaman 15 Taun?Simkuring gaduh leuwih ti 15 taun pangalaman dina pabrik jeung ékspor rupa-rupa zat panengah farmasi kualitas luhur atawa bahan kimia rupa.
Pasar Utama?Ngajual ka pasar domestik, Amérika Kalér, Eropa, India, Rusia, Korea, Jepang, Australia, jsb.
Kaunggulan?kualitas punjul, harga affordable, jasa profésional sarta rojongan teknis, pangiriman gancang.
KualitasKapastian?Sistem kontrol kualitas anu ketat.Alat-alat profésional pikeun analisa kalebet NMR, LC-MS, GC, HPLC, ICP-MS, UV, IR, OR, KF, ROI, LOD, MP, Clarity, Solubility, Microbial limit test, jsb.
Sampel?Kaseueuran produk nyayogikeun conto gratis pikeun évaluasi kualitas, biaya pengiriman kedah dibayar ku para nasabah.
Audit Pabrik?Inok pabrik wilujeng sumping.Mangga janjian sateuacanna.
MOQ?Taya MOQ.urutan leutik bisa ditarima.
Waktos pangiriman? Lamun dina stock, tilu poé pangiriman dijamin.
Angkutan?Ku Express (FedEx, DHL), ku Air, ku Laut.
Dokumén?Saatos jasa penjualan: COA, MOA, ROS, MSDS, jsb tiasa disayogikeun.
Sintésis custom?Tiasa nyayogikeun jasa sintésis khusus pikeun nyocogkeun ka kabutuhan panalungtikan anjeun.
Sarat pamayaran?Invoice Proforma bakal dikirim heula saatos konfirmasi pesenan, kalebet inpormasi bank kami.Mayar ku T / T (Transfer Telex), PayPal, Western Union, jsb.
2-Chlorothiophenol (CAS: 6320-03-2) dipaké salaku perantara organik, perantara farmasi.2-Chlorothiophenol ngalaman réaksi kondensasi multi-komponén jeung kloroasetil klorida jeung amina alifatik primér ngaliwatan Smile rearrangement.2-Chlorothiophenol parantos dianggo dina sintésis bis (2-chlorophenyl) analog tina disulfida aromatik.
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