5-Methoxy-2-Nitroaniline CAS 16133-49-6 Purity> 99,0% (GC) Pabrik
Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of 5-Methoxy-2-Nitroaniline (CAS: 16133-49-6) with high quality, commercial production. We can provide COA, worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available. Please contact: alvin@ruifuchem.com
Ngaran Kimia | 5-Methoxy-2-Nitroaniline |
sinonim | 3-Amino-4-Nitroanisole;2-Amino-4-Methoxy-1-Nitrobenzene |
Nomer CAS | 16133-49-6 |
Nomer CAT | RF-PI1926 |
Status Saham | Dina Stok, Skala Produksi Nepi ka Ton |
Formula Molekul | C7H8N2O3 |
Beurat Molekul | 168.15 |
merek | Kimia Ruifu |
Barang | spésifikasi |
Penampilan | Bubuk Padet Brown Yellowish |
Purity / Métode Analisis | > 99,0% (GC) |
Titik Lebur | 128,0 ~ 132,0 ℃ |
Leungitna dina Drying | <1,00% |
Total Kotoran | <1,00% |
Proton NMR Spéktrum | Conforms kana Struktur |
Standar tés | Standar Perusahaan |
Pamakéan | Panganteur Farmasi |
Bungkusan: Botol, kantong Aluminium foil, 25kg / Karton Drum, atawa nurutkeun sarat customer urang
Kaayaan Panyimpenan:Simpen dina wadah anu disegel dina tempat anu tiis sareng garing;Ngajaga tina cahaya sareng Uap

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