Étil 4-Bromoacetoacetate CAS 13176-46-0 Purity >95,0% (GC)
Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Ethyl 4-Bromoacetoacetate (CAS: 13176-46-0) with high quality. We can provide COA, worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available. If you are interested in this product, please send detailed information includes CAS number, product name, quantity to us. Please contact: alvin@ruifuchem.com
Ngaran Kimia | Étil 4-Bromoacetoacetate |
sinonim | Étil 4-Bromo-3-Oxobutanoate;4-Bromo-3-oxo-Butyric Asam Étil Éster |
Nomer CAS | 13176-46-0 |
Nomer CAT | RF-PI2253 |
Status saham | Dina Stok, Skala Produksi Nepi ka Ton |
Formula Molekul | C6H9BrO3 |
Beurat Molekul | 209.04 |
Titik didih | 231,6 ℃ |
Kapadetan | 1.511 |
merek | Kimia Ruifu |
Barang | spésifikasi |
Penampilan | Cairan Konéng Lampu |
Purity / Métode Analisis | > 95,0% (GC) |
Proton NMR Spéktrum | Conforms kana Struktur |
Standar tés | Standar Perusahaan |
Bungkusan: Botol Fluorinated, 25kg / Drum, atawa nurutkeun sarat customer urang
Kaayaan Panyimpenan:Simpen dina wadah anu disegel dina tempat anu tiis sareng garing;Ngajaga tina cahaya sareng Uap

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