(R)-α-Methyltryptamine CAS 7795-52-0 Purity > 99,0% (HPLC) Pabrik
Shanghai Ruifu Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of (R)-α-Methyltryptamine (CAS: 7795-52-0) with high quality, commercial production. We can provide Certificate of Analysis (COA), worldwide delivery, small and bulk quantities available, strong after-sale service. Please contact: alvin@ruifuchem.com
Ngaran Kimia | (R)-α-Methyltryptamine |
sinonim | (Urang Sunda) -alfa-Methyltryptamine;D-alfa-Methyltryptamine;(2R)-1-(1H-indol-3-yl)propan-2-amin;(Urang Sunda)-AMT |
Nomer CAS | 7795-52-0 |
Nomer CAT | RF-CC322 |
Status saham | Dina Stok, Skala Produksi Nepi ka Ton |
Formula Molekul | C11H14N2 |
Beurat Molekul | 174.25 |
merek | Kimia Ruifu |
Barang | spésifikasi |
Penampilan | Pareum-Bodas Padet |
Rotasi husus | -46,0° ~ -42,0° |
Métode Assay / Analisis | > 99,0% (HPLC) |
Standar tés | Standar Perusahaan |
Bungkusan: Botol, kantong Aluminium foil, 25kg / Karton Drum, atawa nurutkeun sarat customer urang
Kaayaan Panyimpenan:Simpen dina wadah anu disegel dina tempat anu tiis sareng garing;Ngajaga tina cahaya sareng Uap
(R)-α-Methyltryptamine (CAS: 7795-52-0) nyaéta Tryptamine métilated kalayan sipat psychedelic, stimulan sareng entactogenic.Éta agonist reséptor serotonin non-selektif sareng éta tindakan salaku agén ngaleupaskeun serotonin, norépinéfrin, sareng dopamin rélatif saimbang.(R)-α-Methyltryptamine ogé dipaké salaku bahan baku pikeun sintésis organik jeung perantara farmasi.